Monday, August 26, 2019

Expect nothing and you will not be disppointed?

I read a quote recently that had everything in me going NO WAY that is not right.  It is said "Expect nothing and you will not be disappointed."  At first glance, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.  It seems rather harmless doesn't it?  Actually, it appears to even be a good thing.  Oh yes, this is a perfect guard against disappointments and failures.  It seems perfectly logical to live by such a decree and perhaps even to get a verse or two to make it more spiritual.  It is written, some may add, that we should "guard our hearts..."(Prov 4:23). Amen the congregation shouts in hearty agreement.

However, I have come to challenge this way of thinking.  I have come to say NO WAY to this erroneous, life killing, faith destroying, and God denying words of thought.  AM I being a bit dramatic?  Perhaps, but don't dismiss me just yet.  Hear me out.  To expect nothing may keep you from being disappointed but it also keeps you from being fulfilled.  It keeps you out of the race and out of the loop for the best things God has to offer you.  It keeps you from reaching out and taking what God wants to give to you if you would only expect Him to do so. 

Doesn't it say in the bible that we ought to wait for and hope for and expect the Lord (Psalm 27:14)?  He says when we expect from Him, He will even exceed our expectations (Eph 3:20).  He wants to go beyond what we even imagine is possible?  He wants us to be of good courage and with stout hearts expect Him to do not just the possible but the impossible.  He wants us to leap by faith, using the net of expectations in Him.  He, God, says you can trust Him.  Those whose hope and trust is in Him will not and I repeat, will NOT be disappointed (Isa 49:23).

So dear friends, I want to inspire you to expect from God again.  Don't think for one minute that the safe route of having no expectations from anyone is the best route.  I want to tell you that it isn't.  It is a lie from the father of all lies - the Devil himself (John 8:44).  He wants us to be dissatisfied in this short life here on earth as well as disqualify us for the life hereafter.  However, God says no.  He offers you the abundant life and it doesn't start at the door of Heaven.  It starts right here and right now.  So go ahead and dream, anchoring your expectations in a God who is faithful and will do all that He promised to do and more. 

Here are some good verses to amp up your Expectation in God.  Enjoy the read.

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