Saturday, May 9, 2020

I Am Willing

I am willing!

I am  willing
To do anything
As in all things
But  did I  say  everything?

I am  willing
To do what is  beyond  me
Beyond  my imagination
Cannot even  comprehend  it
Don't have the skills
To even tell you
How I'd do it
Kind of willing

I am  willing
To do it  all
For the sake of  the call
Called by name
To stand  to serve to see
Called  by  the  King of  Kings and the Lord of  Lords
I am willing

I am willing
From me He will  always get a yes
From me there will be no arguments
No back talks or reason why
Because like I said
I am willing

I am willing
To lay it all down
My pride my will
So I can take up my cross
To  follow Christ Jesus
My Lord
I am willing

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