What is your intention for 2021? No, not a new year's resolution that we make with no "intention" of keeping. Be honest with yourself if not me today. You know the ones we make every year and we never actually follow through with them - lose weight, read the bible cover to cover, be more intentional in building relationship with so and so. Shall I go on? Instead of rewording the same list from the year before, I am asking you to dig deeper and to pray harder.
This week, the golden text for devotion was based on Proverbs 17:3 which says "the refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord test the heart".

You may ask, what does this have to do with "my intentions"? In the midst of trials and testing we may be tempted to give up. We don't like to experience hardships or to endure anything that will stretch us to the limit. However, as we set our intentions out before the Lord, who directs our paths, we know that there will be testing. We do not want to deceive ourselves into thinking other wise. The encouragement is to understand that God is the one testing and God is the one that is helping us to pass the test. Hallelujah!
Job says after he has tested me I will come forth as pure gold (Job 23). After we have suffered for a little while, the God of grace...will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. (1 Peter 5:10, NASB). It's the Lord. Your intentions are known to Him as He knows your heart and He is faithful to help you. As we are tested and refined, what happens is that our intentions become what His intentions were for us all along. Somewhere along the line we become aligned to Him and can truly say Not my will but thy will be done in and through me.
So, get out the pen pencil and whatever paper you can. Ask God to test your heart and reveal to you His intentions for you in 2021.
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