Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Will Always Love You

Have you heard?  Whitney Houston passed away yesterday.  I still find it hard to reconcile this news with my memories of the woman so full of life singing "I wanna dance with somebody".  I could say so many things right now; talk about her troubles, her marriage and try to reason how this came to such a tragic end.  But there has been already so much and that is not how I want to remember this woman.  I will say that God's gifts are truly without repentance.  She was gifted, possessing a God-given ability to sing like no other.  She was the Best and all others have been compared or matched up to her "note" as a measuring stick of talent.

My heart goes out to her family. I think of her mom and daughter and how they must now feel.  Here we have a mother without a daughter and a daughter without a mother. I can only pray that the God of all Comfort will give them his solace and love right now.

Whitney Houston will always be remembered by me.  I never knew her as a person but I was one of those that was rooting for her to recover and return to God; to be healed wholly and finally find that peace and love she so desperately sought.  I will always love listening to her voice - She remains the best to date.  I cant help but "get so emotional,every time i think..." of her.  My condolences to her loved ones.

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