Sunday, April 21, 2013

God didn't make mistakes when He made you!

Today I looked at myself in the mirror.  I had just gotten up off the ground, having laid myself before my God.  In His presence I was able to see something that was not just for me, but for you also.  I am writing this by faith, believing that who needs to see this will see it and be blessed.  I am praying for you right now, that the lies and distortion will be removed by truth and right in Jesus' name.

As I stared at my reflection, singing, God dropped new lyrics in my heart that made their way out of my mouth as more than a song.  They were a declaration and a silence to whatever other voice that said differently.  They were a weapon against evil.  Evil defined by Jessica is anything that comes up against the plans and purpose God has for your life.  Evil is what distorts the truth and bounds people that God has already declared free in his son - Jesus.

I began singing:

I am who I'm supposed to be
God didn't make no mistakes
When He set about making me

I don't look like her
Act like her
Sing like her
Talk like her

No surprises there, she's not me
And I am not her but...

I am who I'm supposed to be
God didn't make no mistakes
When He set about making me

I am not a model
Nor the image on t.v.
Don't know much about
The girl they said I should be

No surprises there, she's not me
And I am not her but...

I am who I'm supposed to be
God didn't make no mistakes
When he set about making me

He said I am who I am supposed to be
He said I'm fearfully, wonderfully, perfectly
Made in His image

I am who I am supposed to be
God didn't make no mistakes
When He set about making me

For years, I have been compared to my sisters.  I am the 2nd daughter of 3 for my mom. For years I have lived comparing myself to them, listening to that lie that said I should be a carbon copy of either or both.  They are both gifted and serve God in the areas He has placed them and maybe since I was the last to be saved, I felt I had to do it like them. 

Along side that, and this preceded the former, I spent my teen and some adult years comparing myself to the image that was supposedly better than my own.  I allowed an imperfect world to tell me how to improve what God already said was good when He completed it - moi (me).  I bought into the ads that told me I was over weight and my hair was only wonderful straight.  My skin wasn't flawless and if that was not bad enough, I had a beard that forever needed to be plucked. (I am not a guy so you can certainly see my dilemma).

However, thank God that I have long since been reconciled to God's plan and purpose for my life, with me being just me.  I have also been liberated from the image of perfection that God did not intend for me, instead I celebrate the image looking back at me.  Me.

Today, I believe God wants to do it for some-one else.  Is it you?  If it is then this song is for you...sing it, declare it, make it your own. You are who you are supposed to be and God didn't make no (ignore the grammar) mistakes when He set about making you.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Beat It Satan

Matt 4:10 "Beat it satan" (Msg version)

There is so much in these verses.  My mind can hardly take it all in.  I have often wondered why Jesus 'allowed' the Devil to test him.  The bible records in Matt 3:1 - 4:11, that Jesus prepared himself for it through 40 days and nights of fasting and prayer.  (As I wrote that I just had a thought, can I get through 40 days of fasting?  I could hardly make it through 21 days of a partial fast.  It was tough, but the results were so worth it.  Hmmm, it is something to think about for sure.)

After such a fast, Jesus was weak, as you can well imagine.  That was when the devil chose to strike. Sounds familiar? He preyed immediately upon His weakness.  He said to Him, turn these stones into bread.  Jesus refused.

Jesus was hungry, but he did not bow.  He did not value the temporal satisfaction of a meal more than the fulfillment of his Father's purpose for him.  Interestingly enough, He was still in control.  The devil was not the one in control even though it would have appeared that way initially.  For us to even assume that would be so wrong.  God is always in control, so much so that when he was finished with satan he told him "Beat it Satan!"  Satan had to flee.

Do you know that you and I have the same authority?  Yes, we do.  Should you resist the devil, he will flee.  Don't believe me?  Here is what James wrote, "Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you." James 4:7  Can you stand more truth? 

Ephesians 4:27 "...and do not give the devil a foothold."  1Peter 5:8-9 "Be self controlled and alert.  Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in your faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

This is the time to say out loud "Beat it Satan!"

While I'm waiting

A friend of mine recently had a baby boy.  She waited for a long time to get married and have this bundle of joy.  She waited for a long time for this to happen.  She never dated anyone but her husband, and even that was laced with prayer and fasting.  She followed the counsel of the Godly.  She followed the righteous path of God.  As a side note, she married a pastor. :-)

I began to think about how she waited.  You see, I am waiting too.  I am waiting on God for alot of things.  I am sure you are as well; waiting.  You are waiting for your miracle, waiting for your break through, waiting for God to do the impossible in your life.  Aren't you?

So again the question, how did she wait? Was it according to the word, where her strength was renewed and she mounted upon wings of eagles? Did she run and not faint and walked without weariness?

Yes.  I believe she did that.  Did you know that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings of an eagle.  They shall run and not get weary. They shall walk and not faint. 
She served God while waiting. She worshipped God while waiting. She didn’t faint, she kept running the race, even as she waited.
For whoever may read what I have written know this, God is faithful.   To all of us who delight in Him, he will give us the desires of our hearts.