Saturday, April 6, 2013

While I'm waiting

A friend of mine recently had a baby boy.  She waited for a long time to get married and have this bundle of joy.  She waited for a long time for this to happen.  She never dated anyone but her husband, and even that was laced with prayer and fasting.  She followed the counsel of the Godly.  She followed the righteous path of God.  As a side note, she married a pastor. :-)

I began to think about how she waited.  You see, I am waiting too.  I am waiting on God for alot of things.  I am sure you are as well; waiting.  You are waiting for your miracle, waiting for your break through, waiting for God to do the impossible in your life.  Aren't you?

So again the question, how did she wait? Was it according to the word, where her strength was renewed and she mounted upon wings of eagles? Did she run and not faint and walked without weariness?

Yes.  I believe she did that.  Did you know that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings of an eagle.  They shall run and not get weary. They shall walk and not faint. 
She served God while waiting. She worshipped God while waiting. She didn’t faint, she kept running the race, even as she waited.
For whoever may read what I have written know this, God is faithful.   To all of us who delight in Him, he will give us the desires of our hearts.

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