Sunday, August 18, 2013


I love music!  I have bought several discs over the years so that I could sing along in the comfort of my home or car.  As a praise and worship leader my ears are always listening out for that song that will cause our hearts to worship God.  So, I can safely estimate that I have spent hundreds of dollars on this passion.  While going through my inventory of worship cds, I noticed that I have a lot of empty cases.  I went through my house, car, garage searching for the missing items to no avail.  Finally, I decided that I will have to buy them back.  I loved them that much and so I am willing to buy them again. 

I have to say that God brought to mind the story of Hosea and Gomer.  Do you know it?  God told Hosea, his prophet, to marry a woman who was of questionable reputation.  He did, without hesitation or question.  I have to love Hosea, he is so obedient.  His wife did not stay faithful, but ran off again to her old prostituting profession.  She ended up on a block to be sold as a slave.  What did Hosea do, well, he bought her back.  He loved her that much, and well God told him to buy her back. 

God was willing to do the same for us.  Only, his son was the payment, to "buy us back" from sin.  His blood was the cleansing agent to bring us once again into relationship with God our Father.  I know my example of buying back cds are nothing by comparison.  However, if I am willing to invest again in something so meaningless, how much more will God invest in us, His very own creation.  How much will He do to find the one that is lost?  My heart swells with joy at this revelation. God will come after someone like me, someone like you.  After all, God has bought us back!

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