Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day

Carpe Diem is one of two of the only Latin phrases I know. I learnt it in my youth and never forgot it, despite never using it for years on end.  Until today. 

I am a complainer. I admit it.  I have complained about the weather. I have complained about the traffic. I have complained about the lines being too long, the injustice of my pay cheque, my son and his mess, and the list goes on. Today my pastor, Ron Binda, sent out an email which has caused me to re-think my strategy and adjust my attitude.  As God, spoke to him he shared this "David reminds us that "...this is the day the Lord has made...." (Psalm 118:24).  In this scripture he is saying this because God created the day and it belongs to Him. Therefore seize the day. Don't waste the day on negativity, bitterness, ...hating, fuming, worrying, fighting,...."  He continues to say that we must learn to rejoice and be glad in the days.  If God took it from us, well then life as we know it will be over. 

Why waste the day on things that don't matter in the big scheme of things?  Why spend the day complaining half of it away?  OUCH!Pastor Ron is right, we cannot control the weather, other people or even the circumstances  we sometimes face, but we can control our attitude and responses to them. 

So today, I encourage you, and maybe this is mostly for me, to Carpe Diem (Seize the day) by rejoicing and being glad in it!

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