Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wasn't it just today?

I wrote this song, that has no melody, so I suppose that just makes it a poem. It came swiftly and poured like water out of me.  I was inspired. I was inspired by Peter, an apostle of Jesus. His denial of Jesus was what grabbed my attention. You see, when I read his story, I realized that when he declared with passion and intensity to never deny Jesus in Matthew, it was perhaps the same day that he said I don't know the what's it not man named Jesus in John. I am not throwing stones because I am just like him. I believe that maybe even so are you.  Jesus didn't abandon Peter. He knew it would happen and he told him ahead of time. Yet, he extended grace. You know that favour extended to us from God when it is undeserved.  Jesus called him and set him right. He is calling you today.  Do you not hear him through your pain?  Do you not hear him through your shame?  Do you not hear him calling your name?  Do you love me?  Do you love me? Do you love me?  Wasn't it just today...?

God I did it again
Went against your word and fell
It took only a minute to swing my attention
To one less worthy
To satisfy me

Wasn't it just today
I said with strong convictions
I would rather die than to deny
You Jesus
Wasn't it just today that I declared
with all my heart
That I would be loyal and ever true
Giving you my all and all

How could I ever imagine that this would be my end?
That what you said would really happen
Before the cock crowed three

Wasn't it just today
I said with strong convictions
I would rather die than to deny
You Jesus...

Guilt and shame are by my side
They stand ready to accuse me
To cause me pain
But piercing through the dark abyss
Is your gentle calling of my name

Wasn't it today
I said with strong convictions
There is therefore now
No condemnation within me?
Today my child, I set you free
Come now and stand in my liberty

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