Friday, June 20, 2014


How many of you are soccer fans (or football as I grew up calling the game)?  I know that I was not one of those people riveted to the screens watching the world cup games.  Yet, something about this world cup has triggered my interest.  I watched a few of the games and all I could think of was none of these teams came to loose. They were all in it to win it. They had practiced for months totalling years to get to this field and no-one wanted to be eliminated.  No one wanted to go home without the prize of being champions.  I was impressed. 

It was apparent which teams were stronger and who were less than ready for such an event.  While the end of this is still unknown, there is an end that I want to tell you about. 

This world and all those in it are going to one day face Jesus.  Only those that were in it to win it will be with him in the end. Only those that have kept their eyes fixed on the goal ahead and the final prize will be able to reap the reward.  We are all athletes.  (I find great joy in thinking of myself as such).  We are in a race.  Paul said at the end of his life, I have kept the faith and I have finished the race.  Let us allow our Lord to condition us as he is the best trainer ever.  Let us renew our minds daily to be in it to win it for the Lord.  Let us exercise with the intensity of athletes, to produce the fruit of the spirit.  Let us by prayer and the word build up our stamina and endurance.  Let us keep our eyes fixed on the prize and reach towards the GOOOOOAAALLLLLL!

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