Tuesday, March 24, 2015

No-one wants Jesus. Do you?

Today as I sat down in between functions I teared up.  I was reading an email about the Americans who wanted to take the name God out of their pledge of allegiance.  I asked God, “Why do they hate you so much?”  He said, and I heard this in my mind, “It is not me they hate but my son.”  No-one wants Jesus. 

Just typing these words have me choked up.  I would have been quick to say this is someone else but I can’t help but think that there are times when this is me, was me and maybe will be me tomorrow (I so hope not).  I have at times rejected Jesus; turned away from His truth; snubbed his directions and sought after my own lust and desires.  No-one wants Jesus.

To see these words again my soul cries out in protest.  I want Him!  I want Him! Yes, and now the tears flow freely because I know that I can’t make it without Him.  If you are honest with yourself and God you know that you have felt that as well.  You long for something and maybe you didn’t know what it was you yearned for but it was Jesus. Your soul knows and cries out for Him. That void, that darkness, that feeling of unease can only be satisfied by Him.

I know what I’m talking about.  You see my friends, every time that I have tried to go it my way I have failed.  I have had to run right back to him and beg for His mercy.  I have had to cry out “Help me!” from the mess that I have caused.  I have had to seek refuge in Him when I went and did things that I knew were wrong and opened doors that caused demons to chase me.  I need Jesus.

So what is wrong if I believe in God but am not too sure about Jesus?  You may even say, Jesus was Just a man.  He walked on earth and that is not the dispute, but to say He was the son of God?  To say He was man and God at the same time?  That is hard to believe.  I will not try to convince you otherwise.  That is not my purpose to day.   The truth is still the truth whether or not we believe.  Jesus is the only way to the Father.  We can’t separate the two, or rather the three for there is also the Holy Spirit, and altogether they are the trinity. 

Today I wanted to leave you with just one question, “Do you want Jesus?”


1 comment:

  1. More than anything else, I want to want him. Dear God, help me to want Jesus because I know if I have him, I have you.
