Sunday, August 30, 2015

Without Vision We Perish

If I asked you right now to describe your vision, what would you say?  Would you blurt out your heart or would you pause wondering yourself what it is?  This morning in church I was of the latter response group. I stumbled in my mind over the word vision. It became even more difficult when the Pastor said vision has been translated as a word from God, a prophetic word, a revelation. I had nothing that immediately came to mind. It worked me some because I know that without vision I would go astray. I know some might say I am being dramatic. Yet it is not that at all. This word caused me to examine myself and where I am heading in life. What am I looking ahead  to and how dies my life fit into God's purpose for me?  Think about it for a minute. Every successful company has a vision.  I just want mine to be what God has given to me. By the end of the sermon God reminded me of a picture I saw in my mind's eyes of myself. I was spinning around in a field with a bag of seeds in my hand. I threw them around me and I seemed to be so happy. It was like it was someone else but yet it was me. I was like a young girl again and for a moment I wondered if maybe it was my daughter. No matter I knew then that God gives us the vision. He is the One that has called us and He is the One that will bring about His purpose. So here I am in my Sunday best having a tea and talking to God on the McCafe patio. I'm saying to Him I don't understand it at all but I am willing to do it all. Friends let's ask God for that vision and then release it to Him.

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