Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Woman Scorned

I have heard it said maybe once or twice that there is nothing worse than a woman scorned.  She is not the woman to tangle with and woe to the one that has caused this shame.  Her heart is bruised and she does all that she can to inflict this same pain unto others.  She is beyond reason and out of control (as my brother always says).  She is desperate to prove herself right and to be somehow absolved in the process she takes. She takes revenge into her own hands.  She will not stop until her idea of justice has been dished up and served.

I have a front row seat to this woman.  She is not me, (although without Christ she was), but this young girl I have only ever met twice.  She is the ex-girlfriend but doesn't want to be.  I see her struggling in her new role. I see her trying to reconcile the betrayal that has been apart of her journey.  I see her ranting and raving.  I see her as the woman scorned.

As I think of her, I cannot help but feel sympathy.  My heart is tender towards her because I know how she feels.  My son thinks I need to be examined and thinks my loyalty is misplaced.  Yet he doesn't understand how it feels to be that woman.  He doesn't get why we cant just move past the pain and get on with life as if nothing happened.  Do you understand?

I know that almost everyone has had their heart broken by someone.  We cant love and not feel the pain that comes from relationships with imperfect people.  Just as I prayed for the young woman above I pray for you. May God pour his balm into that open wound that is open and oozing.  May you feel yourself enveloped by His arms. May you know today His unfailing love.  May you walk in forgiveness, for to do anything but is like trying to kill someone else by drinking the poison yourself.

My friend, I don't know your story but I know God.  He says vengeance is mine and I will repay.  He is more than able to help you through this period of pain and hurt.  He is able to step into the yesterday you have not quite let go and heal the past, so your future is secure.

There is a song that I wrote and it simply echoes this truth,
"God you're able to pull me through. 
And You know there's nothing I can do. 
Cause your the God of the  Impossible. 
And I trust YOU!"

Oh Woman scorned, God loves you.

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