Saturday, December 12, 2015

Is your world bigger than you?

I have seen with new eyes my world.  To be truthful it was rather compressed. I kept saying my sister's world was small but no, mine was limited to just me and mine. 
Then my older sister got some news that took us to Sonnybrook Hospital.  There my eyes opened up a little more. People suffering with cancer. Young and old, black and white. This was the scene I walked into as I accompanied her to her appointment.  It was then I realized that I had no problems. What was I so worked up about in my own life?  Money? My family members? My job? What did it matter when so many people were going through life and death issues? 
I sat beside a woman who sobbed as she waited to see the doctor.  Does she know Jesus? That was my thought as I cried silently with her. Does anyone in this waiting room know Him? As their bodies are suffering and wasting away what of their souls? 
Here I am with hope and peace and joy in the presence of Holy Spirit and my eyes were on my little world?  May it never be that way again for me or for you.  May we see beyond our list and see others. That man on the street or the girl you passed by on the way, may you see them with new eyes.  
Beloved it is time that we love as Christ loves us. 

1 comment:

  1. Lord, help me pause today and remember my greatest witnessing tool is to simply be available to love others. Show me where I can love. Make me courageous enough to put aside my carefully planned to-do list. And help me find ways to be an answer to someone’s prayers today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Lysa Terkeurst
