Friday, March 11, 2016

God is Still God

One day, my nieces were in the car with my sister.  Two of them were so excited about their upcoming trip to Jamaica. It sparked a discussion about swimming with the dolphins and all the other things they anticipated doing.  Not to be left out, three year old KK decided she would add her piece to this merriment and contribute as best she could. So she began to tell them about how she remembers visiting this place that boasts of a very large turtle.  Apparently this turtle was just about to eat her but didn't. (pause) She then ended with this, "God is still God."

I get excited all over again. Yes. God is still is still God.  In my house, we are on repeat with these words that have so encouraged. Friends, it doesn't matter what I see or even what I feel - God is still God.

I know. You have challenges. You may even wonder why are these things happening to you?  Why did so and so become ill? Why did you lose your job?  How will you survive?  Why was this accident not prevented?  God is still God. In the midst of these things good or bad, He did not lose His deity, might or love for you.  He is still the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  He remains the unchangeable God.

I hope and pray that these words from the mouth of babes have encouraged you.  I hope they will cause you to muster up that courage to continue this walk with Christ and weather through the storm.  Beloved, God is still God.

Malachi 3:6-7The Message (MSG)
6-7 I am God—yes, I Am. I haven’t changed. And because I haven’t changed, you, the descendants of Jacob, haven’t been destroyed....

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