Thursday, March 24, 2016

We Won't Go Back

Healed.  Saved. Loved.  I write those words even as I am listening to James McDonald's telling the church, Christ died for our sins.  He was scourged (beaten) to within an inch of death for me.  He took upon Himself my sins and paid the penalty.  His beaten body allows me to say I am healed.   His death upon the cross has causes me the freedom to say I am saved.  His submission to the plans of the Father allows me to know I am loved.

All of this resonates with me even more so now.  There she was, sobbing at the dinner table.  Her body was again placing limits upon her mobility and quality of life.  We had been here before I thought.  We won't go back.  We waited for years for bulging discs to be re-aligned.  We waited patiently for her to be able to drive in a low car.  We waited through her longsuffering and years of infirmity.  We waited for her to be independent again.  We waited, and now that we have it, we won't go back to the days of pain and restrictions, darkness and despair.  NO!

The Lord Jesus has suffered for this very moment.  His back was ripped open and blood poured out so that today healing is our bread.  We won't go back. Loved ones, I don't know what is happening in your life.  I don't know what old chain wants to reattach itself to your new found liberty in Christ. Whatever it may be, resist it.  Shout it out loud "I won't go back!"

Jesus has said that you are free, therefore stand in His liberty and be not entangled, AGAIN with the yoke of bondage.  So that bed of infirmity that wants to keep you in it, say NO.  That old boyfriend or girlfriend that calls out of nowhere, say No.  That old habit or old life that is looking not so bad now, say NO.  Declare to yourself and anyone else with ears to hear "I WONT GO BACK!"

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