Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I am tired

I have been caught up in a wind not of my doing. I seem to be moved here there and everywhere and I am exhausted. I am tired of being tired. I am sick of others being sick. I am ready for the exit but there is's just the wind.
If I allow myself these thoughts would consume me. I would sink into despair and depression. If I allow myself these thoughts would become shackles and where I was once free I would be bound.

I understand better than I did before why I need to renew my mind daily and sometimes hourly. I get why I need to think on things that are true and lovely, anything that is excellent and praise worthy. (Phil 4:8). My friend it is easy to collapse under the weight of our sorrows. It is easy to bear the burden forgetting the burden bearer says cast it all on me. It is easy to see only what is before you.  However it is not the life of the free. It is not the life of those called by Christ's name.

Today in spite of the challenges God wants us to lift our eyes to Him. HE IS OUR HELP. He is our strength and our peace. Today the invitation has been given...He says come unto me all who are weary and heavy hearted. Peace and joy are in His presence. I'm tired of holding it all together on my own. Today I'm saying yes to the invitation....what about you?

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