Monday, June 13, 2016

I'm me again

I have been on pause. I have stopped exhaling. I have been waiting for better. I have been afraid of moving. That was descriptive of me just a few days ago. I was dying on the inside and prepared for a burial. Yet God had other plans. These dry bones shall live were His words to me. I would live and mot die. I was not to fade away. I was not to stay paused. God has pushed the play button and His forward motion has been in effect. The day I emerged from the self imposed cocoon I will never forget. On a path that I had often seen I walked in silence with God. He seemed to have painted the sky an even prettier blue. The green of the trees were even more intense. The sun shone even brighter. He gave me the gift of the present. I was in the now of the day; of my life. I exhaled. I was alive. I was me again. My friends I encourage you to live in the now. Tomorrow is not ours and not promised to any of us. We are all like fading grass. We are a vapour, here today and gone tomorrow. Tomorrow may be too late to start living your life. Take the gift God gives to us...this is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

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