Sunday, October 2, 2016

Today is the day

Today is my son's birthday. Twenty-two years ago I held him in my arms and thought what a beautiful babe.  I had such dreams for him.  Do you know what I mean?  Can you understand a mothers' dream?  Well that was me and is still me.  He finished an album. The Libra Tape (content is explicit) he calls it and proud of it he is right now.  He said he will be a star.  I smile even now for his enthusiasm. 

I'm proud of the man I know he is on the inside.  You might think this is a strange comment to make and I would agree.  You see, he's made some choices that I don't agree with.  He is living a life style that was not in my plans for him.  Yet, my love for him doesn't waiver.  No, in fact I love him even more. 

I love him in the mess.  I love him while he is still going to and fro. I love him even as he is broken.  I love him even while I cry over his choices.  I love him even when my heart struggles to believe that God will save him.  I love him. I love him because God has given me the grace to do so.  In fact even as I say all of these things I feel that love over me.  I am loved and so are you by a God who is Himself love.  He sets his love upon us even when we go astray.  His love is like no other we will ever experience.  This gives me pause...

So I will celebrate today.  I will sing a song of praise.  I will shout a hallelujah to the Lord above. I will declare that today is a good day.  I will continue to declare that which my eyes don't yet see. God has preserved life when death demanded payment.  So as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Today is the day to be glad.


  1. Imagine if Christ loved us conditionally. We are loaded with faults and plagued with consistent issues of one kind or another and yet he loves us. Many of us find it disappointing to look back particularly to our youthful days. we like to say "I have learned from my mistakes"..Right!! We all should be praying and constantly asking God for forgiveness so his blood will cover us completely for there is no way we can itemize the sins we constantly commit.
    We all celebrate with you as Rory old as I am I am maturing too. Truth is maturity is impossible that's why Christ stand's between us and God. We are glad Rori is yet another work in progress. Love you.

  2. Love it! You should have him read it!
