Sunday, February 26, 2017

For Unto US A Child Has Been Given

On the morning of February 24th my family welcomed the birth of its newest member.  I was honoured to be there in the delivery room. I got to be apart of one of God's miracle and that in itself was a gift worth losing sleep over.

How soon however did that same gift become bitter. Conflict. Hurt. Anger. Misunderstanding.  These words now describe the experience surrounding my grandson's birth. Really it is sad how things seem to be developing. My heart literally hurt for him. He is at the centre of people who are so consumed with their own issues no one wants to back down. What about his feelings? Does he not have the right to have peace?

I say yes. He deserves peace in his life. He deserves the best and he deserves people who will put him above their need to be right. While I can't speak for anyone else I will be one who will stand on the side of R. Isaiah.  I will lay aside my feelings and issues and be the one who will advocate peace. I will decide to not stand or walk in offense. I will lay aside the weight of conflict and be silent even when I want to yell out at those I feel are in the wrong.

If you are reading this I ask that you pray. Pray for this child and all of us who will play a part in his life. God has a plan for him and he is not unaware of the days ahead. I am confident in Him who loves him better than anyone else. I am confident in Him who knew his name and who formed him with His hands.

For unto us a son was born. For unto us a child has been given. His name has been known by His heavenly Father. His life is in His hands.

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