Saturday, February 11, 2017

What if we could show who we are?

I wonder how many of us walk around with a mask over our faces? 

I wonder how many of us smile and nod when inside buckets of tears are being filled from our misery?

Wouldn't it be great if we show who we were?

Wouldn't it be wonderful to just say how we feel?

Wouldn't it be freeing to just be real?


Go ahead and think about it. 


I have found that in the body of Christ, inside the walls of our churches we have people that are dying a silent death.  They put on masks of "I'm fine"  like MAC make-up on their faces.  Men, women and children are deserving of an Oscar award for the best performances of their lives.  How sad it is and yet how true. 


In a place where we all believe in the same God who says confess your sins before one another and pray for one another we hold back.  We are afraid that if they knew the truth of the lives we have and the issues we face that it would be a weapon against us.  Do you know how many people are dying alone through their crisis?  Women who have miscarried and kept it silent thinking it is to their shame.  Men who struggle in sexual sins and are afraid to confess and get help. 


Masks.  Chains.

Masks.  Pain.


I sigh because I am so weary of it all.


Added to this, we become even unwilling to confess our sins and discuss our issues with the One person we can be honest and vulnerable before.  God Himself.   Our father in Heaven invites us to come and reason together with Him.  Isaiah 1:18 says "...Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow..."  We can tell Him how we feel.  We can be real in His presence.  We can be free and clean from the stains of sin.  We can expose the lies by His truth, absorb His peace, draw strength from His joy.  We can be victorious.  We can be....







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