Saturday, August 12, 2017

One Day At A Time

Recently I did a talk on the topic One Day At A Time.  It was then that I realized something...I was never in the moment.  I was either looking back on days spent or casting my eyes too far ahead.  I missed out on the moments that I was in; the gift of the present.  I was not taking each day one at a time. 

Does that sound like your life?  Missing out on the things right before your eyes?  My friend let us not do this to ourselves anymore.  In fact let us be intentional to be present.  You. Me. Right here.  Right now.  Living out this day and leaving all our tomorrows in God's hands.  Don't you remember that He alone stands at the beginning and the end of our lives?

We can trust Him.  We can be content taking it our day one at a time. :-)

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