Thursday, October 12, 2017

Freed to be a Witness

In the bible there are many instances where people who were in prison were set free. In Acts 5, the disciples were going about doing the work of God. The sick were healed and the glory of God was seen. They became a threat to others. Once again the religious sect was afraid and so they laid hands on them to lock them away.  But in the night an angel of the Lord opened the gates of the prison and taking them out he said,

"Go stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life."

They were freed to be a witness.  Friends you have also been set free. The bible says that we can stand in the liberty where Christ has set you free.  He who the son sets free is free indeed.  However, it is not just to be self serving.  It is not to be mute with your gift of salvation.  No my dear friends.  It is so that you can tell others your story; your experience with Christ; tell others what you see, what you hear and what you know. 

So tell me, who knows your salvation story?  It is time my friends to tell somebody.

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