Monday, December 25, 2017

I Know why...

I have a sister that has become nocturnal in her habits.
She sleeps all day and then in the night, under the cover of darkness she begins to move about.  This seems to be the time she finds to go about her day - accomplishing whatever task she has a mind to do.  It drives my mom bonkers. :-) and has caused many questions to be asked with no answers. Why,  we would ask ourselves, does this girl sleep all day?  Why does she not get up?

Then it occurred to me that maybe sleeping away the hours of the day that she is alone is easier for her.  Perhaps this makes the hours of being alone more tolerable to bear as she is for the most of it - asleep.  It makes sense that you cannot wallow in self woe if you are knocked out and unaware.  I suppose we can call it the blissful oblivion of sleep.  She wont have to find a way to fill the silence of the house with noise.  She wont have to hear the screams from her thoughts asking is this my life?  The hours of being awake before someone gets home is less when she finally arises from her slumber.  The day is done.

Now I don't know if I am wrong or right. I never discussed this with her and chances are I never will.  I wonder now how many people are doing the same thing?  How many people are sleeping away life in an effort to avoid the harshness of their reality? I suppose they will say its easier, but is it really?  Does it make any difference?  Do they wake up right or is the reality still the same?  Does the  circumstance remain unchanged awaiting the moment of wakeful consciousness?

Those answers I cannot provide.  However, I do know that what my sister (and all of us really), needs to do is to press into God.  Jehovah understands what I don't and His compassion never runs out.  He is the answer to her quest for a life that remains hidden and inaccessible to her.  He holds the light that is needed to pierce the darkness she escapes to time and again.  He is the one that gives sweet rest, even while we are wide awake.  He is really the only One who knows why she sleeps.  Oh Holy Father, speak to her even now in Jesus name. Amen.

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