Sunday, March 18, 2018

No Longer Bound

I don't know if I ever said this on this platform but here goes in the spirit of Freedom and Celebrating women. A few years ago, well maybe more than a few, I was the victim of unwanted sexual attention.    Now this was so long ago I don’t even remember the details. Well not true. I have chosen not to remember...not to dwell on a past that is already spent.

Why? Because I am no longer bound. I am free. That man is not allowed to be my focus and guess what I don’t hate him. I forgave him the moment I stopped crying. I am not bound by unforgiveness.  I am free.

My mom revealed to me that as a child she was  molested by a man she knew. She told me that this memory was repressed for decades. It came back to her after a dream where a spirit of Satan to bound her hands and silence her mouth. However I reminded her that who the Son sets free is free indeed. She is no longer bound. She is free.

I want to tell you woman or man that you are free. I don’t care what happened yesterday. Today stand in the liberty where with Christ has set you free and be not entangled in the yoke of bondage. You my love are free.

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