Wednesday, April 18, 2018

You will die in your sin

In reading through John I have found myself pausing more than once. On this instance my eyes had to re-look again and again the verse found in chapter 8 where Jesus declared to the Pharisees that they will die in their sins. To be accurate he said “I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”

Is anyone sobered by these words? If we don’t believe we will die in our sins. Lest we forget that sin demands a payment. The wages of it being death. If it were just that the body dies no one would care.  If nothing happened beyond the grave then yes, carry on smartly. However it isn’t so at all.  Death is the beginning of forever.

Oh loved ones it is the time when those who believe that Jesus is the son of God and those who don’t will be separated. For one it is now the time to bask in the fulfillment of the inheritance. The mansions which has been prepared, the glory of which we can share, the abundant life forever more.  Those who don’t believe will indeed realize the fulfillment of the warning. They will know the weeping and gnashing of teeth; the terror that never ends in a place where demons reside and there is no hope inside.

The solution seems too simple and yet it is what it is...believe that Christ is He and be set free. The Son sets us free indeed. The Son gives us access to the promise. The Son pays our sin debt. The Son opens our eyes and gives us sight. The Son is the answer, only believe.

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