Monday, June 25, 2018

Mirror mirror on the wall

Mirror mirror on the wall
Tell me who’s the fairest one of all
Mirror mirror on the wall
Tell me what you see is it my flaws

You tell me I’m not good enough
You tell me I don’t measure up
Mirror mirror on the wall

I’m done with your lies
God’s opened my eyes
Mirror mirror on the wall

I am free
From the mirror on the wall

These words are the lyrics (adapted) for a new song I wrote. I sang it and it is like singing out my life’s theme song. For all of my teen and adult years this has been my story summarized.  The end is good and I realize that the truth about me is not what the mirror has said but what God has said about me.

Now you would think that I would be super sensitive to this issue  of image for others as well. You would think that I would never be the mirror for someone else to feel less than what God has said.  Well such is not the case. I was the voice saying to my beloved son you don’t measure up as I critiqued his appearance. I measured him and held up before him the mirror as I saw it...lacking. Not enough.

Oh friends I was convicted by Holy Spirit. I had to say I was sorry confessing that I was wrong and praying even now that I will never ever do that again to anyone. What I did was so natural I realize now that I must forgive others who have done the same to me.

We are not what we see but who God’s word says. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in Bis image. No more lies now. God has opened our eyes. We are free from the mirror on the wall!

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