Tuesday, July 10, 2018

My help is from the Lord

When do you find yourself needing help? When you can’t do something on your own right? I. Those times of trouble you need a right now present kind of help. Agreed? So it would make sense that you would seek the help of the Lord your God. It would be the optimal choice of help came from the very creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Yet, as much as this sounds like a given we often don’t do that.

We turn instead to our resources that have been created by the creator. We seek out a friend or an ally. We use the money we have to pay for the coverage we need...the insurance or protection that we think will be the answer. We turn our eyes upon ourselves to find the help that really only comes from God.

Here is a new verse I learnt today:

Give us help from trouble for the help of man is useless. Psalm 60:11

Well if that doesn’t make it clear I am not sure what will do it for you. We need not look to man for they will disgrace and disappoint you. They will not help you. We cast our hope on a falsehood when we have the real deal as our Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

So today I encourage you to lift your eyes beyond the hills and as the question comes “where does my help come from?”
 Say like the Psalmist “My help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth”. Psalm 121:2

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