Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Keeping Faith First

I have been bothered with the cares of my world. They become the noise that seems unceasing within the walls of mind. They show up before sleep and keeps me pondering them over with no new solutions.  In other words that may be more descriptive to you I am worrying. I am like what George Mueller describes as being in a rocking chair going nowhere...fretting and worrying caused by calculating without God. I would say he has me pegged really well.

I'm not quite sure how it happened or even when it occurred, but my hold on faith was loosened and I began to have a death grip on worry fear and anxiety. Do you know what that amounts to in my life? It means that I will have no good end by this destructive trade off.

Now , here I am preparing to speak to a group of women about keeping faith first and I have been struggling to get back to that place. Is this irony or God's way of kicking me out of the rut I placed myself into? 

I am going to say this is a God plan because guess what? I am doing exactly what I should have been doing in the first place. Seeking after God. Bending knees and searching the word. He has said, and this is fresh so please enjoy it, do not worry.  Yes folks Jesus said in Matthew 6:25-34 that we need not worry about our life, what we will eat or drink or our body or what we will put on. 

Instead He says seek His Kingdom and His righteousness First! God knows what we need and He is faithful who has promised (Heb10:23).
We can draw near to God and hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering. He is faithful.  

So my friends, don't forget this truth as I did and was plagued with the voices of doubt and fear for far too long. Truth always eradicates the lies we are told and  tell ourselves. We can keep faith first...by seeking God first!

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