Wednesday, November 28, 2018

13 Seats: The Women Who Dared To Testify

I am apart of a movement that has begun with a book.  This book has been authored by 12 women who are sharing their stories in a chapter.  In this book you will get a preview of how they got over to the other side of life. You will see how they have lived through some challenges.  You will read about a God who used adversity to shape them into who they are today. 

I must say that these women are still far from being perfect.  They are still work in progress with the assurance that He who began a good work in them is faithful and able to complete it.  They are women who love God and are living this out daily.  They are fallible and subjected to likened passions just as you are - just as I am.

So I invite you to get yourself a copy of this book and find your story to tell. There are 13 seats and 12 of us - my friend that 13th seat is just for you!  Won't you sit with us and dare to testify?

Revelation 12:11 promises us that you and I will triumph by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimonies.  AMEN!!!

(This book can be purchased from Amazon)



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