Friday, April 19, 2019

Passion Principle for Everyday Living

Passion. This word has been rolling itself through my mind. What does it mean? What is this passion we speak of when we say passion week and how is this to be applied to my everyday?

Well according to the dictionary passion is a strong emotion. We use it often in our conversation to convey our love of something. For example we say I'm passionate about reading or singing or this or that.
While I am sure Jesus had strong emotions while he prayed on the garden of Gethsemane, he was not uncontrolled.

His passion was his love for us. So He suffered for us. He then told us to love one another. So we can love even the one that doesn't love us back just as. This love is not just in word but in deed.

So our passion principle is to love. Love by evidence of that by action. Let your action match your passion. Let your words be supported by works. John 15:13 tells us that greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends. Passion friends is all about love. Do you have passion?

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