Thursday, March 21, 2019

Worrier or Warrior - which one are you?

Worrier or Warrior? My sister was sharing g how she went from being a woman shouting out loud that she is a missile in God's hands against the enemy of our souls to a emotional mess of a woman worrying if she was enough.

It is possible that you have toggled between being a warrior one week and a worrier the next. You are not alone in this but I believe that we ought to pursue being more on the end of a warrior versus a worrier.

Worries really never ever produced good fruit. In fact I believe it is a seed that flourishes in a soil void of faith and watered by fear and doubt. It causes us to lose our grasp on reality. It causes us to shift our eyes from the Father our Creator to the created. It makes us act in our own efforts and plan our pathway. It makes us sick in body and never ever victorious in battle.

Warriors have a different mindset. I say this because I don't mean fighting it out with swords and shields. I mean having a renewed mind daily that is focused on God. A warrior like David against Goliath goes forward into battle in the name of the Lord. A warrior trusts in God. A warrior has developed a relationship with Him and depends on Him for direction. A warrior doesn't try to conjure up their own somutions or way out but is unashamed to be dependent wholly on God. A warrior knows that it is not about themselves but about their God.

So I ask myself and to whoever may one day read this post, Worrier or Warrior? Which one am I today?

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