Saturday, June 29, 2019

Jesus Loves EVEN Me

Today is Saturday.  I am sitting in my family room with family.  My grandson is pushing around his red tractor and red train on his car mat.  My grand-mother is sitting on the sofa watching a movie that I don't think she can hear.  I am in my favorite green chair right by the window as the sunlight is shining through.  I have just had coffee sweetened with condensed milk which was more like dessert before breakfast.  Today my friends, is a good day.

It was good before all of this happened.  I woke up early to join my sisters in Christ on the prayer line.  Bonnie, the lead for Saturdays, brought us the wrap up on the weeks devotion theme of Just For Me.  She reminded us of a song from many yesterdays ago that says

I am so glad
Jesus loves me
Jesus loves me
Jesus loves me

I am so glad
Jesus loves me
Jesus loves even me

Jesus loves even me.  The unexpected me.  The wow how could it be me.  The mess of a person me.  Jesus loves even me.  I don't know about you but I am like the song write and am so so glad that He does.  1 John 4:19 says "We love Him because He first loved us".

He took that first step towards us before the foundation of the world.  He was the first responder on the scene of the wreckage that was our lives.  He loved us while we were sinners and not looking for Him.  He loved us.  He loves us.  Jesus loves even me. 

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