Monday, July 1, 2019

The Lord Restores

God said, "I love you."  You replied, "Really?  How have you loved us?" Malachi 1:2 (MSG)

I read this and was paused.  God said I love you.  I started thinking about the theme I was to speak on The Lord Restores and realized that what He is after is relationship.  Ours with Him.  He wants to put life back into a relationship that has been dead and dry.  He wants to renovate, revive, renew, restore us to Him.  Why?  He loves us.

This message from the messenger Malachi was the last one for hundreds of years to the chosen people.  God didn't hold back.  He told them that they were giving Him shoddy, sloppy, defiling worship.  The altar of God was no longer important, worship of God was no longer a priority.  God was not hiding the truth, instead in spite of this there was grace extended...get on your knees he says and pray for His graciousness.

The Lord restores.  He wants us to return to the altar.  He wants us to return to Him.

I have sung the words but the transference to my life has been non-existent.  You deserve the glory and the honor...Lord I lift my hands in worship...I magnify your name.  We sing, I have sung, but where is the honor?  Where is the glory?  God says even Fathers have been given honor but where is His?

I know that God loves us. 
I know that He cares for us
I know that the Lord restores us

Lord help us; Lord help me. 
I have been giving you the scraps of my life.
 I have given you the after thought version of worship. 
Lord, I can't pretend.  I can't hide the truth from you.
This sloppy shoddy worship is not what You deserve.
As the song writer says and I have sung it again and again
You deserve the glory and all the honor
Thank you for restoring me unto You

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