Thursday, August 15, 2019

God has not Forgotten

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb?  Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.” Isaiah 49:15

How many of us have had moments where we just plum forgot what we were saying, doing or anything else? My sister in law has had to live down forgetting how to get home from just a few streets from her house. She just couldn’t remember how to get to the house she has lived in for years. Have you forgotten people? I know I have. Chances are if I start calling you honey or sweet endearments I can’t remember your name. I have forgotten where I parked my car or even which car I drove to the store that day.

By now my point is well established, we forget. Curiously, we forget what we should remember and forget what we should we should hold fast.  Things like past hurts or offences are what we often choose to hold close like treasures worth millions.  Instead we forget our God. We forget who He is and what He promised. We forget His word; his truth; His name.

Now don’t feel bad. You are not alone and I don’t mean just me. Remember the disciples who walked with Jesus for three years? Well Jesus told them of ever that will happen. He told them of his death and resurrection. He told them of what was to come so that when it happened they would remember and believe. Yet, at the time he was arrested they fled. Peter denied Christ and the others fled to safety.  They forgot that the trouble had a good end. They forgot that Jesus was mighty and not just a man but God Himself in the flesh. They forgot to trust the truth.

As much as we forget God doesn’t forget those that are for Him. He has in fact personally engraved us on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). He says that He is  not like us. He will not forget us even if a mom forgets her child He will never forget us. Isn’t that comforting to know. It is good to know that I can depend on my Father to never leave me not forsake me. Simply, He doesn’t forget!

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