Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summer is over - Children skit

I just wrote this and thought I would share it.  Going to have two of my pre-teens work on this.  Feel free to use it if it works for you.

Summer is over – skit by Y Engada Robinson


Paul:  (Sitting on a park bench – sighing and looking sad)

Sigh.  Why?  Why did it have to end?  Why did it have to leave?  Why does it have to be over?

Eden: (all happy and bubbly)

Hey Paul!!!  Isn’t it a great day today?  I love Fall, don’t you?

Paul:  (looks at her as if she is crazy)

What are you saying right now? Have you taken a fall on your way over here or something?

Eden: (sits beside him and is now puzzled). 

Back up young one.  I don’t know what you are talking about.  What’s with you anyway.  You are certainly not the same guy who was jumping around the park last time I saw you.  What changed?

Paul:  (Jumps up)

Exactly!! That is exactly right!

Eden: Huh?

Paul:  (Sits down and sighs heavily)

I am not the same boy because of the “change”.  The dreaded change over from summer to fall; the end of old and the start of the new.  I hate it!

Eden:  (Nods her head while still looking confused)

Ohhh I see what you mean.  Yes. Yes, I get it.

Paul:  (Gets all excited happy that someone understands him)

You do?  My sisters think I am being silly and well parents just don’t understand.  So you really know what I mean?

Eden:     Ahhh well no.  I really don’t understand but I don’t want you to be sad any more.  It’s a great day to just enjoy!

Paul:  (Sighs and slumps down on the seat)

 Nobody knows my sorrow.

Eden:   (Starting to be annoyed with Paul)

Paul get over it already.  It’s just the end of summer it’s not the end of the world.  You act as if…

Paul:  (Interrupts her)

Eden!  Think about it for a second.  What happens when summer ends?  What begins in the Fall?

Eden:    Ahhhh I get new clothes?

Paul:      Yes!  Why do you get new clothes?!

Eden:    For school?

Paul:      Yes! YES!  School starts and you know what Eden?  That means teachers homework and tests.  It means no more staying up late and definitely no more park days.

Eden:    Paul, you don’t have to be anxious about school.  Weren’t you at church when they talked about not being anxious about anything but instead pray about everything?

Paul:      Ahhh No?

Eden:    Yeah you were but as usual you must have been playing with Kofi.

Paul:      Seriously Eden? I’m in a crisis and that’s what you are telling me right now?

Eden:    You’re right.  I should focus.  Paul we don’t have to be afraid of change. We don’t have to fear new seasons.  There is good in the fall as there is good in the summer. 

Paul:      Yeah but one has school and one doesn’t.  Oh summer why did you have to leave?

Eden:    Okay you win the award for best drama

Paul:      (Interrupts her)


Eden:    I know I am sorry.  I’m still being worked on okay.  Look, don’t be anxious about this.  Let’s just pray together.

Paul:      Okay, I will say amen and you do the rest.

Eden:    Sigh.  Father, please help Paul to realize that he doesn’t have to be afraid of change.  Show him that there is good in all seasons.  Help all of us to do well in school and to have fun learning. In Jesus name

Paul:      Amen!  Well come on Eden, we have lots to do and only a short time.  Let’s get going!!!

(They both run off the stage and play ends)

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