Monday, September 16, 2019

Growing Pains

I am growing and yes, at times it is painful. You might be experiencing pain as well and you may not realize that this is what it is....GROWING PAINS.

Let me go back.  My sister and I were speaking of ministry. If you are actively involved in any ministry you would already realize that it is not easy.  Challenges come in all shapes and sizes with the message to give up...QUIT.  If you want to go beyond the borders of men then for sure you will experience push back and yes - pain.  If you want to grow, you will experience - yes - again I will say it - pain. 

I know that when my son was growing up he had pains in his legs. When I took him to the doctor I was asked if he was an active kid.  Yes, he was very active.  There was the issue.  If he was a couch potato, then he would get taller without any pains.  The fact that he was moving around in play, sports was causing his bones to grow faster than his body.  Now, I must admit this was my understanding of the diagnosis and for the most part it proved itself true. 

I said that to make the connection with us.  When we are ACTIVELY doing things whether in church or work or home or any other arena to bring about growth we will have pains.  Things don't always fall easily into place.  It takes time for others around you, (the body), to catch up to where you are going (the bones).  It will be really tempting and perhaps even seemingly easier to just quit.  Stop doing.  Stop moving.  Stop growing. 

However, in the long run, it will only cause everyone to suffer.  Stagnant waters never produce life.  We die in it and the same is true of any of us if we think that no change is good enough.  I challenge you to do something new to bring about growth in you.  I challenge you to sing a new song at your next event.  I challenge you to learn a new verse on a monthly basis.  I challenge you to learn a new subject, change your eating habit, wear a different hair style, make a new friend, look beyond the door and reach beyond the ceiling.  I challenge you loved one to grow.  I might have made light of the suggestions I used but you get the picture.  Don't be afraid to grow - pain is temporary and will soon subside. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Still Not Forgotten - The Aftermath of 9/11

For me, it was not the calendar that turned over to remind me of what happened some years ago on Sept 11th.  It was not the posting of updated social media pages nor the news reports from varying stations.  It was reading a fictional novel that started out with an attack of terror on American soil.
I felt inside of me such sadness, that I have still not been able to go behind the first chapter. 

This was no fiction. This was not another who done it novel that I could pretend for the hours it took to read that I was the agent or detective working the case - solving the mystery and getting the back guys.  I was only too able to recall scenes from this day of lives lost over a cause I still am unclear about.  I am able to still see bodies plunging from buildings to escape a fiery grave that threatened them.  I am only too aware of the explosions from planes crashing into buildings.

I threw that book aside and wept.  I wept as you might have, for all those people that are still remembering those loved ones.  I wept for those where years have not faded the pain.  I wept for a nation that has never quite recovered and every day live and breathe the stench of 9/11.  I wept for all of us who have not forgotten and never will for as long as God gives us breath.

Today, as the calendar has finally caught up to my thoughts, I am remembering with a soberness that life is fragile.  Loss is guaranteed to come to all of us.  I remember also the God I love and serve and who is able to COMFORT all us in our sorrow.  He heals the wounded hearts that are still bruised and battered from what is now our "history". 

Can you pray with me for all of us today?

Father, please wrap us  up in your comforting arms and bring comfort  to us as we once again mourn the loss of loved ones, our freedom, our yesterdays that can never be returned.  Father bring to our nation a reason to celebrate life and infuse us with Joy Peace and Hope that comes from you only.  Father, we need you.  Everyday, every hour, every second we need you desperately.  Father in the midst of this, we remember those that are still committed to serving in the defense of a nation they love.  Keep them safe Lord and I pray a swift reunion with loved ones.  Keep them in soundness of mind I pray and hide them from the enemy's eyes and hands.  Lord thank God for North America.  Bless this land in Jesus Name, Amen.


Monday, September 2, 2019

Ask Me Who I AM

I recently watched the movie Overcomer, a Kendrick Brothers production and was so inspired by them to do two things.  I had to go to Ephesians 1 &  2 and see for myself what the Word of God said about me.  I don't know about you but I so needed a re-write of my definition of me.  Secondly,  I was inspired to help my youth know this truth as well.  I wanted them to see for themselves that God's identity map will be crisis free, unlike today's world view that brings utter confusion to everyone.

So here it is, my spoken word based on one scene from this wonderful, highly recommended must see movie (I really hope you run out and support them).

Ask me who I am

By Engada Robinson

Ask me who I am

Go ahead,

Ask me who I am!

Not going to boast

Don’t have to lie

His truth gives me freedom

Tells me just who I am


The God definition of me

Is better than anything else I could find

He defines me

Yes His words about me

Is what makes me confident

It gives me the pep in my step

And the smile on my lips


So go ahead,

I want you to know

Ask me who I am!


I am blessed.

Blessed with every spiritual blessings

In Heavenly places through Christ.

I am chosen.

Chosen by God to be holy and blameless

Before Him in love


I am adopted. 

Adopted as “son”.  That’s right son to the Father

I am an heir to the inheritance.

I am wise.

Wise in spite of my years, having the mind of Christ.

I have insight and I am in the know because of Him.


I am redeemed.

Redeemed through the blood of the Lamb.

Oh yes, that’s who I am

I am forgiven.

Forgiven of every sin because of His grace.

God’s rich grace!!!


I am alive.

Alive as in no longer dead in my sin

That was my yesterday’s self.

I am loved.

Loved by my God who made me in His image

I am His masterpiece, on display for His glory to be seen

I am His child.

Child of the Light, refusing to be anything else but

Who He says I am

So go ahead.

I want you to know

Ask me who I am

The Best Me

Today is my friend's birthday.  She turns 40 today and she said I am going to work on being the Best Me.  I turn 45 in a few weeks myself (side note of Happy Birthday to ME!) and I also want to be the BEST ME that I can be.  I was sitting in my living room watching a movie called the Intern while wondering to myself how can I do that?  How do I become the best me?

To be honest, I was a little teary eyed because even now I have no answer.  I don't know what the best me looks like.  I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing to get to where I need to be that is "best".  I asked my sister what is her version of the Best Me - confident, encouraging, non-judgmental, giving, faithful, a good friend and reliable were a few words that she spoke about.  Those all sound great, doesn't it?  As a matter of fact, she kept going long after I typed this sentence and is even now still listing the qualities that would define the Best Me.

How do we get there?  How do we become the best version of ourselves without compromising ourselves, our beliefs, or hurting others?  I can't begin to tell you the answers, I just don't know.  well, that is not entirely true.  I do know that I can't be the BEST ME outside of the BEST HIM.  Yes, I am going there so you might as well not roll your eyes.

The Best of ME is not within my own version of good better best.  It is not even within my own abilities.  I cant be the Best Me without having the only one that is Good.  God alone is good.  I need Him to change me.  I need him to help me become all the things my sister listed and more.  I need him to bring out the good, better, best.  I need Him period. 

So, I guess I will dry my eyes.  I will stop having the pity party that I like to entertain with me myself and I as guests of honors.  I will stop wishing for change and actually start investing time with the only ONE who can change me for the best.  Here is my big sigh of relief.  Pressures off and pity party over.  So here is looking towards a happy birthday and a great year of becoming all God intended in Jesus name!