Monday, September 2, 2019

The Best Me

Today is my friend's birthday.  She turns 40 today and she said I am going to work on being the Best Me.  I turn 45 in a few weeks myself (side note of Happy Birthday to ME!) and I also want to be the BEST ME that I can be.  I was sitting in my living room watching a movie called the Intern while wondering to myself how can I do that?  How do I become the best me?

To be honest, I was a little teary eyed because even now I have no answer.  I don't know what the best me looks like.  I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing to get to where I need to be that is "best".  I asked my sister what is her version of the Best Me - confident, encouraging, non-judgmental, giving, faithful, a good friend and reliable were a few words that she spoke about.  Those all sound great, doesn't it?  As a matter of fact, she kept going long after I typed this sentence and is even now still listing the qualities that would define the Best Me.

How do we get there?  How do we become the best version of ourselves without compromising ourselves, our beliefs, or hurting others?  I can't begin to tell you the answers, I just don't know.  well, that is not entirely true.  I do know that I can't be the BEST ME outside of the BEST HIM.  Yes, I am going there so you might as well not roll your eyes.

The Best of ME is not within my own version of good better best.  It is not even within my own abilities.  I cant be the Best Me without having the only one that is Good.  God alone is good.  I need Him to change me.  I need him to help me become all the things my sister listed and more.  I need him to bring out the good, better, best.  I need Him period. 

So, I guess I will dry my eyes.  I will stop having the pity party that I like to entertain with me myself and I as guests of honors.  I will stop wishing for change and actually start investing time with the only ONE who can change me for the best.  Here is my big sigh of relief.  Pressures off and pity party over.  So here is looking towards a happy birthday and a great year of becoming all God intended in Jesus name!

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