Monday, September 16, 2019

Growing Pains

I am growing and yes, at times it is painful. You might be experiencing pain as well and you may not realize that this is what it is....GROWING PAINS.

Let me go back.  My sister and I were speaking of ministry. If you are actively involved in any ministry you would already realize that it is not easy.  Challenges come in all shapes and sizes with the message to give up...QUIT.  If you want to go beyond the borders of men then for sure you will experience push back and yes - pain.  If you want to grow, you will experience - yes - again I will say it - pain. 

I know that when my son was growing up he had pains in his legs. When I took him to the doctor I was asked if he was an active kid.  Yes, he was very active.  There was the issue.  If he was a couch potato, then he would get taller without any pains.  The fact that he was moving around in play, sports was causing his bones to grow faster than his body.  Now, I must admit this was my understanding of the diagnosis and for the most part it proved itself true. 

I said that to make the connection with us.  When we are ACTIVELY doing things whether in church or work or home or any other arena to bring about growth we will have pains.  Things don't always fall easily into place.  It takes time for others around you, (the body), to catch up to where you are going (the bones).  It will be really tempting and perhaps even seemingly easier to just quit.  Stop doing.  Stop moving.  Stop growing. 

However, in the long run, it will only cause everyone to suffer.  Stagnant waters never produce life.  We die in it and the same is true of any of us if we think that no change is good enough.  I challenge you to do something new to bring about growth in you.  I challenge you to sing a new song at your next event.  I challenge you to learn a new verse on a monthly basis.  I challenge you to learn a new subject, change your eating habit, wear a different hair style, make a new friend, look beyond the door and reach beyond the ceiling.  I challenge you loved one to grow.  I might have made light of the suggestions I used but you get the picture.  Don't be afraid to grow - pain is temporary and will soon subside. 

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