Friday, November 15, 2019

House of Praise

From the bad, comes good.  We had received news that we were facing another battle with cancer.  That had rocked us and indeed we took a minute or more to get our faith in check.  My sister who was diagnosed had her mind fixed on praise.  She decided that to complain was to remain, but to praise was to be raised.  So for the last three weeks we have turned our house into a house of praise.

We have met with other family members to praise for an hour.  No agenda other than a song that is on our heart and a verse or three.  God's name is exalted and for sixty minutes we forget about ourselves and worship HIM.

I tell you the truth, it has certainly shifted my position from the woe is me and everything is undone mind set to a God is able mentality.  Now let me just state that we are still walking through the trials, but the burden is not as heavy.  Week by week we are casting our cares and leaving it behind.  We are growing our faith by praising our Savior.  We are reminded through the wonderful lyrics and by the word of life that God is indeed Faithful.

So, yes, we have done away with the thieves of faith and truth and instead our house is a house of Praise.

I invite you to do as the song writer say and raise up your own hallelujah in the presence of the enemy.  Let your weapon be a melody.  Sing, in your storm so that by praise you are raised. HALLELUJAH!

In fact, go ahead and enjoy the song that has been an anthem in our hearts and church.  Raise a hallelujah by Bethel Music

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