Monday, December 30, 2019

Jesus is the reason

As I sit here I am singing in my head an oldie but goodie "And this Christmas will be, a very special Christmas for me..."  I believe it is called This Christmas and Chris Brown sings a version of it.  Although I don't know why I feel like Stevie Wonder might have done it prior.  Who knows?  Not me.  Anyway, this Christmas was special to me. 

We had breakfast as we usually do, but this year we had an unexpected guest.  My brother, God bless him, was able to convince my recalcitrant aunt to leave the house and attend our gathering.  She was surprised that she had a good time.  We ate, we laughed over Christmas trivia.  She got 3 out of 50 points and I promised her an honorary mention. 

We exchanged gifts with each other and then the boys left to their own corner.  So what was so special you ask?  What stood out from every other year we have met before?  Well, we remembered that the real reason for our gathering was not any of those time honored traditions we checked off our list.  It was about a savior that was born to die and who even now is present with us.  Yes beloved friends, I am talking about Jesus.

So we did what we never did before (and we are believers); we read the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke.  Then we prayed.  It was beautiful.  It was special.  It was Christmas.  I am so glad that the reason for the season was celebrated in my house this year.  I am so glad that His presence was center stage with the presents. 

Yes, Jesus is still the reason....

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