Friday, January 29, 2021

Come to Me ...and I will give you rest

 Come to Me.

This is an open invitation to all of us - all who believe that God is God; all who are weary and heavy laden; all who are so tired of being tired; all who live and breathe are invited to COME.  

These days, we don't have many invitations that are open.  In this era of social distancing and pandemic hysteria we have more cancellations than anything else.  No-one really wants to have company over for fear of finding themselves having an unwanted guest trying to move in permanently - that dreaded virus and his friends.

However, Jesus, when he extended that invitation in Matthew 11:28 is not cancelling on us.  His door remains open and His arms are strong enough to hold you up.  Come.  That word is also a command.  It really does require a response.  You and I need to decide if we will move towards Him.  To move from our place of unrest into Him that is our rest.

To Me.  I love that Jesus was not sending us to anyone else.  He offers Himself as the source that is unlimited.  He is the very thing we need - REST.  He says "I will give you rest"  and we can trust Him to do just that for us.  

We can echo David, as he wrote My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation is from Him..  He alone is my rock and my salvation.  I will never be shaken.  (Psalm 62 - paraphrased).

So, say yes to the invitation.  He will give you rest.

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