Thursday, December 16, 2021

They that Wait (Hope and Trust) in the Lord Shall Renew Their Strength

I don't know about anyone else but this year, make that years, have been hard.

I know that I am not isolated in this as much as I wish that were the case.  I wish that everyone else was missing the hardships and trials that life seemed intent to bring to our doorsteps.  Is this is a gift we can return?  I could sit here wishing away all the world's troubles but that will never do anything but cause me more despair.

Instead, today I write in the midst of my "going through" as a way to encourage myself and perhaps you too.  I called upon the Lord in my weakness and he answered me. I prayed earnestly for strength and He answered me.  Now, the answer may surprise you, as it certainly did me.  His answer was not the supernatural injection of "PowerAde"; it was not the taking away of the problems in my life; it was a word - make that two words to be exact.

Hope. Wait.  

Hope was easy to swallow.  Hope was so positive. It was hopeful and gave me added reason to get up in the morning.  I felt like the break through would be my testimony after just a few more sleeps. I was hopeful that the mourning period was on a timeline that had an expected end.  Joy was in the morning!

Hope. Hope. Hope.  Hope in the Lord.  Why be downcast oh my soul?  Hope is alive and springs eternal!  The diet of tears was going to be quickly replaced with laughter and joy.  When they ask where is your God?  I will simply say my hope is in God.  Tada!!!!  The Grande finale achieved.  Yet, it didn't or rather hasn't exactly happened like that.

Wait.  This word came after the calendar pages flipped over and the expected end was not yet mine. I knew that he was directing me to the prophetic words of Isaiah that says strength is given to those who wait on the Lord.  Wait and be powered up.  Wait and be renewed.  Wait and again I say wait on the Lord.

My heart meditated on these words.  I went to bed saying them and woke up with them.  Wait on the Lord, you shall renew your strength.  Wait I say.  They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.  I couldn't shake it and I suppose I was not really trying to do so.  I wanted that promised strength.  No.  Let me amend that; I need that promised strength.

So here I am - Hoping and Waiting.  Here I am being encouraged with prayer and song as God sends me winks of reminders.  It has been a verse repeated, or a song sang by a friend.  Strength is from God.  I have no might and am quite powerless in my own abilities.  However, in my weakness and in yours, His strength is made perfect.  Hope.  Wait.  We will not be disappointed.

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