Tuesday, October 30, 2012

There is still life in you

There is a tree planted outside my window.  Each season I look at it and marvel at the changes. I always learn something from the tree…no, God always teaches me from this tree.

This morning I stared up at the very heights of it branches.  I remembered that just last week, theses same branches were full of leaves, all yellow and orange in colour.  I remember trying to catch the fall of one leaf on camera.  Then strong winds came, and the morning after, not a single leaf was to be seen on this tree. 

In fact, the tree looked dead.  I thought about that and then I heard the whisper “there is life in me”.  You see, even though it appears that the tree is dead; although it appears that the branches will never again show green foliage; although it looks barren and hopeless, there is still life in it.  There is still hope for it. There is still a reason to expect that in the next season, things will be good better best.

My friend, do not trust in what you see.  The bible says that the things that we see are temporary, but what we don’t see is permanent.  So as you look upon your life and it appears that all is gone, just remember that like the tree, you are just going through the fall/winter of your life.  Also, believe in God, who speaks life to that which is dead.  There is still life in you.

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