Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Embrace who you are in Christ

Almost everything that I write is born out of some experience I have personally had, or a conversation between friends.  This piece is no different.  A friend was talking about her sister, and their unsettled relationship.  I thought, to myself, this is not isolated to just one person.  She, the sister, has something (because I can’t think of a word to describe this) against my friend, for reasons only known to her.  So my friend wrote:

“She’s much older, I drive, bought my house, graduated high school and college, had a FT job all before her, … but even thru all this … I still considered her the strongest person I ever knew;  Because she was there supporting me through all of the above mentioned, ….” 


I read how she viewed her and had to just shake my head.  We are all like her sister, in that we never fully see who we are, what we are and how we are.  We never see ourselves in the light, the way God intended.  Instead we shun the compliments from others. They say you are Strong.  We respond with the question of incredibility, “Me?”  Brave. Me?  Worthy. Me?  Do you know what else we do like this sister here?  We look at someone else and become often times enraged at the comparisons we make, as we find ourselves lacking.  We close off ourselves and become wrapped in our self-induced cocoon of misery.  We never emerge from that cocoon as a beautiful butterfly, but as hardened women/men, untrusting, with horrible attitudes.  I know, what I have said is ugly, but then, so is the truth of it all.  My question is “When does it end?” 


Even as a Child of God, I am admitting that this is the picture of me sometimes. It is harsh and really like cold water in my face.  My reaction may be a little different; or rather God won’t allow me to wallow in self-pity forever.  He will not let me stay wrapped up in misery when He has his joy that strengthens me.  So I usually get a reality check sooner than later – thank God for that.


It is easy to point to others and say you need to fix this or that, but I am asking you to stare at you.  Ask God to show you that fearfully and wonderfully made person that is you. Ask Him to show you those plans that are good, that he has for your future. Ask Him to allow you to hear those songs that He sings over you, and all that rejoicing and dancing that he does for you. Ask Him to show you His banner of love that flies over you. 

Loved ones, it is time to break out of the misery and embrace who you are in Christ.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

CARSON BITES - Life through the eyes of a 3y/o

My god-son Carson is very black and white in his thinking. Living in Tennessee with his parents, he is what we call a boys boy.  His mom keeps me up to date with his antics and his statements.  Here is one thing that he said that I hope will make you smile or better yet laugh out loud.

Carson: I love you Mama
Mom: I love you too Carson
Carson: You won't send me back will you?
Mom: No Carson! I will never send you back. God gave you to me.
Carson: God? I don't know him. Who is God?
Mom: Do you know Jesus?
Carson: Yes.
Mom: Do you know how you are a son, a cousin and a friend?  That is how God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are. They are all the same person.
Carson: Oh! So God is Jesus' last name!!!  Jesus God!

Be Bold and Be Strong

I have had the pleasure of baby sitting my gran niece this weekend.

Let me say that I take my hats to parents of young babies every where. This little girl girl would not go to bed! I walked around with blood shot eyes, and a prayer close to my lips.  However, this is not to complain about any of it. In a heart beat I would have done this all over again, with pleasure.

What I did note and want to share is how quickly she learnt things. She is 6 months old and already able to communicate exactly what she wants.  She makes "grunts", for lack of a better word, to express who she wants to be held by and where she wants that person to take her. I watched her maneuver her way from my sister's arms to those of a stranger so she could get to the other side of the room where a fascinating fish tank awaited her attention.

Without a thought to the danger, she saw her goal and went for it. Mind you, we knew everyone there, but this was her first time seeing all of these people.  But she was bold.  She knew we were with her. She was not afraid.

Can you already see where I am going?  To be honest, I didn't see this coming when I began writing this piece.  So the lesson is not just for you, but for me as well.  We can all be like Kiara.  We know that God is with us and like wise we do not have to cower in fear. We can be bold and be strong, because He is with us.  Remember how he told that to Joshua? (See Below for excerpt from Joshua 1).    He said it more than once and her it is, a repeated message to you and I.  Be bold and be strong. Be of good courage. Don't forget that I the Lord is with you. 

Courage does not mean your heart won't beat rapidly, and your palms won't sweat, and your knees won't shake. It doesn't mean you won't feel fearful.  It simply means that you go forward anyway, knowing that God is with you! 

Joshua 1

New International Version (NIV)

Joshua Installed as Leader

6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.
7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


A friend of mine and I were communicating via email the other day, and I was left really encouraged.  We spoke about the challenges we both were facing and agreed to give it God.  What really was the highlight of our conversation is the idea that we can give thanks before we see the victory.  We can shout while the battle is still raging. We can celebrate before we collect the spoils. We don’t have to wait to praise Him, but we can do it right now.  

This message, although not designed as such, seems even more appropriate as the Americans get ready for their thanksgiving tomorrow.  I could go on and on about the commercialisation of it, but that you already know.  I want to invite you to give thanks.  The bible says it in 1 Thessalonians 5:18

The Message (MSG)

16-18 Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.

Friends, thank God no matter what happens.  Let your world and your circumstances hear your voice in a shout of thanksgiving.  When God has given you the go ahead there seems to be direct opposition to His word, seeking to rob you of the blessings that can only come by your obedience.  My friend, persevere, for truly the end is already settled and it is good.  You are already victorious and I encourage you to rejoice.  Don’t wait until you get where you are going Auny, shout now.  Don’t wait for things to be easy, shout now.  Hallelujah, I am talking myself happy!

May you say like Andre

Thanks and amen. I know our victory has already been established. My shout has already been pre- ordained. I have learned to worship in my warfare. I know we can't collect the spoils until after the battle.  Just as much promotion comes after the pain. I believe with all my heart that it is a great time to be alive; an awesome opportunity to experience the fullness of God.

____________(insert your name here) the best is still yet to come in your life. I am not sure the earth is ready for your gift and anointing.

Truly you are special.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Things are already better

At this very moment, my mind is so full of things to say.  I am like a pregnant woman, waiting to push out that baby, that very wonderful and fearfully made gift of God.  Last night I went through my bills.  The total due added up ever so quickly.  It was not a shock to see that outcome far exceeded income. Every month I attempt to balance the two and it never happens. I borrow from Peter it seems to pay Paul.  Last night was no different in that regards. But there was one envelope which was for me the last straw.  It broke me into pieces.  It was a notice telling me very officially, that my car was captured on the red light camera, breaking the light.  The fine is over $300! 

I was at a loss. I felt completely tapped out of ideas and wisdom was nowhere to be found. I was finally at the point of desperation.  I took all the bills and entered them all in my little book.  I looked at them and fell to my knees. I was overwhelmed.  “God!  I can’t do this anymore!”  I remembered praying that and weeping on the kitchen floor. Roper, the dog, did come by to see what was so interesting on the floor beside me.  He must have seen I had nothing, for off he went to a better space.

I didn’t have anything eloquent to add to that prayer. I just knew that I was not able to do this.  I was not able to make things work this time. I had no more resources. I was already over my line of credit. The credit cards are already maxed out. The loan bills are still due, and so is the mortgage. Add to that, my sister just got fired last week Thursday and I was just a mess.  Where was my faith?  It was very very very small.  I still had enough to believe that God could help. I still believed that He was my very present help in times of trouble.  I was just so weakened by it all.  In hind sight, the morning after, I believe that I am finally looking at the right source – HIM, not me.

God is so good to me.  As I sat at my desk, the phone rings and it is my friend Alex from New York. He didn’t even waste time on the usual pleasantries but got straight to his purpose.  He had witnessed a sign from God, and he was in wonder!  He had witnessed for himself that God is with us, even in the storm, or better yet, especially in the storm.  He had driven home praying he said, in the down pour of winter snow storm.  Parking his car, he left it without a thought. After several hours he decided to look at how much snow had fallen and was rewarded for his curiosity.  There on the car’s roof was a cross in the midst of the snow.  He was blown away. He went to see if this was the work of kids, or a cat or bird. (His words not mine).  He couldn’t logically see how this was there and no foot prints or finger prints were left.  He said he got chills from his observation. He knew that this was God’s message to Him and all that will listen to his retelling of it.  God is real; He is with him.  He is with me. 


He continued telling me his testimony that quieted within me the anxiety I was feeling the night before.  Tears were streaming down my face, for I knew at that moment, this was my sign and wonder.  He said, if you pray about something, why are you worried about it?  God owns everything. He will work it out. Leave it with Him.  He told me how he was in financial problems and after praying my exact prayer, God came through for him. He said he has seen too much to deny God’s existence and power. He said once you have a hold on Him, do not let go. He said, there is nothing in this world…God is all that is worthy. 

Friends let me echo Alex Wolf, for God alone is worthy.  I don’t know exactly how my bills will be paid, but God is definitely able to do what is impossible.   He invites us to trust him and obey him. He is faithful. He is the God who always causes us to triumph.  Things are already better.