Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Embrace who you are in Christ

Almost everything that I write is born out of some experience I have personally had, or a conversation between friends.  This piece is no different.  A friend was talking about her sister, and their unsettled relationship.  I thought, to myself, this is not isolated to just one person.  She, the sister, has something (because I can’t think of a word to describe this) against my friend, for reasons only known to her.  So my friend wrote:

“She’s much older, I drive, bought my house, graduated high school and college, had a FT job all before her, … but even thru all this … I still considered her the strongest person I ever knew;  Because she was there supporting me through all of the above mentioned, ….” 


I read how she viewed her and had to just shake my head.  We are all like her sister, in that we never fully see who we are, what we are and how we are.  We never see ourselves in the light, the way God intended.  Instead we shun the compliments from others. They say you are Strong.  We respond with the question of incredibility, “Me?”  Brave. Me?  Worthy. Me?  Do you know what else we do like this sister here?  We look at someone else and become often times enraged at the comparisons we make, as we find ourselves lacking.  We close off ourselves and become wrapped in our self-induced cocoon of misery.  We never emerge from that cocoon as a beautiful butterfly, but as hardened women/men, untrusting, with horrible attitudes.  I know, what I have said is ugly, but then, so is the truth of it all.  My question is “When does it end?” 


Even as a Child of God, I am admitting that this is the picture of me sometimes. It is harsh and really like cold water in my face.  My reaction may be a little different; or rather God won’t allow me to wallow in self-pity forever.  He will not let me stay wrapped up in misery when He has his joy that strengthens me.  So I usually get a reality check sooner than later – thank God for that.


It is easy to point to others and say you need to fix this or that, but I am asking you to stare at you.  Ask God to show you that fearfully and wonderfully made person that is you. Ask Him to show you those plans that are good, that he has for your future. Ask Him to allow you to hear those songs that He sings over you, and all that rejoicing and dancing that he does for you. Ask Him to show you His banner of love that flies over you. 

Loved ones, it is time to break out of the misery and embrace who you are in Christ.

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