Wednesday, November 21, 2012


A friend of mine and I were communicating via email the other day, and I was left really encouraged.  We spoke about the challenges we both were facing and agreed to give it God.  What really was the highlight of our conversation is the idea that we can give thanks before we see the victory.  We can shout while the battle is still raging. We can celebrate before we collect the spoils. We don’t have to wait to praise Him, but we can do it right now.  

This message, although not designed as such, seems even more appropriate as the Americans get ready for their thanksgiving tomorrow.  I could go on and on about the commercialisation of it, but that you already know.  I want to invite you to give thanks.  The bible says it in 1 Thessalonians 5:18

The Message (MSG)

16-18 Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.

Friends, thank God no matter what happens.  Let your world and your circumstances hear your voice in a shout of thanksgiving.  When God has given you the go ahead there seems to be direct opposition to His word, seeking to rob you of the blessings that can only come by your obedience.  My friend, persevere, for truly the end is already settled and it is good.  You are already victorious and I encourage you to rejoice.  Don’t wait until you get where you are going Auny, shout now.  Don’t wait for things to be easy, shout now.  Hallelujah, I am talking myself happy!

May you say like Andre

Thanks and amen. I know our victory has already been established. My shout has already been pre- ordained. I have learned to worship in my warfare. I know we can't collect the spoils until after the battle.  Just as much promotion comes after the pain. I believe with all my heart that it is a great time to be alive; an awesome opportunity to experience the fullness of God.

____________(insert your name here) the best is still yet to come in your life. I am not sure the earth is ready for your gift and anointing.

Truly you are special.


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