Monday, February 11, 2013

Do What He Said

What is it that you have been afraid to do?  Where is it that you have been afraid to go?  I am speaking to you, the one that has heard the voice of your shepherd giving you instructions, but have allowed fear to immobilize you.  I am talking to the one that knows without doubt that God said thus, but have been reasoning it out, and trying to find the logic behind the request.  I am talking to you, and I am talking to me.


When God speaks, I often times wonder if it really was Him.  Those are the times when I am just afraid because what He has said requires me to step beyond the place where I can stand.


I know His voice, and so do you.  He told us that His sheep know his voice and they follow Him.  So the real issue is not whether it was Him who spoke, it is whether or not we are willing to obey.  There is an area of my life that I have been struggling with…TITHING consistently.  For some reason, I find myself missing the monthly amounts, or not having anything left to give by the time Sunday rolls around from Wednesday’s pay day.  It is something that bothers me greatly because I cannot claim ignorance to God’s word.  He says to tithe 10% of my income.  He says do not steal from Him.  Yet, month after month I wrestle, instead of rest in it. 


I hold back; I ask if God really did say that; I reason He is a merciful God; I do everything but what I am required to do because He said do it.  I allow fear to direct my actions, and I fall into sin. I doubt, and take up the stance of two minds.  James tells me that the double minded man should not think that he will get anything from God.  Deuteronomy lists out the curse upon the one who disobeys.  God Himself says, obedience is better than any sacrifice.


AM I not glad that Jesus obeyed Him 100%, even when He prayed that the cup of suffering would pass him?  Isn’t it wonderful that John, Paul, Moses, James, Luke, Matthew and all the scribes of the bible were obedient and recorded for me God’s very words?  Their obedience benefits you and me today.


In that same breath, I am saying to you and me Do what He says.  I am reminded of a song I wrote last year titled

 I’ll Do What You Say:


I don’t know where this road will lead

I can’t see Lord what’s right in front of me

But whatever may come

Lord whatever may be


Father I’ll do

Just what you say

Lord I’ll do

Just what you say


For you said to obey is

Better than to sacrifice (sacrifice)

And Lord if I will do what you say

I’ll have blessings all my life (all my life)


Father I’ll do

Just what you say

Lord I’ll do

Just what you say


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