Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It is time to change (featuring Nadine)

For the longest while I have been thinking about getting a new faucet.

I thought it would be too expensive to get installed and then time passed and I just didn't bother.


I tried asking friends for help to no avail.  I finally decided to investigate how much it would cost. It turns out it wasn't that expensive after all.


So when they took out the old faucet I took a picture of it and you could see the calcium buildup. It was gross.

Then I see my brand-new faucet installed. It looks great


I thought about it and realized something. The outside of the old faucet didn't look as bad as the inside of the faucet, and the water that flows through the old faucet,  is the same water that flows through the new faucet. The water is clean, but the faucet is not.


Is that not what sin does to us? Eventually, the inner unrepentant sin gets exposed.

The water , the Holy Spirit, still abides within us, even when the vessel is not clean. God never leaves us nor forsakes us, right?  He pours out His spirit on ALL flesh...


The question is, what is the quality mixture of the good water through a dirty faucet?


My advice? No matter the cost, get yourself a new faucet! You may have to give up something to get it, but it is worth it in the end.

Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say.


My friend Nadine wrote the piece above.  In the end, she really isn't speaking about a literal faucet, but a new you.  Sin is like the build of calcium on the inside of the faucet. Eventually, it starts seeping out with the water, it defiles the water and makes it unclean to drink.  God is the solution. He says to you and me I am faithful and just to forgive you of your sins.  However, we must do as John the Baptist shouted out in the wind, REPENT!
Friends, the wages of sin is death.  Yes, Christ died and He paid it.  Yes grace abounds, but it is not so that we go on sinning.  We are a new creation and old things must pass away. We are born again.
It is time for a clean up.  It is time to rid ourselves of everything that hinders us from running this race of faith. It is time to allow the water to cleanse us. It is time to fall before a loving God and allow him to make us whole again.
It is time to change the "faucet" of waywardness and sinfulness.



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