Sunday, March 15, 2015

I AM the definition of Christ

As I wrote that title I wonder to myself where is that coming from?  I am the definition of Christ?  It's funny because I was planning to talk about my struggles with self issue.  I was going to tell you how I have to always battle that voice that tells me that I don't look right, sound right, fit right and all that other stuff that apparently I am not.

However, I see that God has a different plan.  For me and for you.  He has interrupted this pity party to bring forth an important announcement.  Christ is our definition.  When we see ourselves we ought to see Him instead.  He is the reflection from the mirrors we have in our homes, purses, cars, shopping malls, changing rooms and rest rooms.  If we are defined by Christ then the image that the world gives us is a distortion of who He is and we need not try to emulate.

Instead, clothe yourself in the garments of praise and adorn yourself in the worship of Him who is worthy.  A friend of mine yesterday was not having me talk about myself in a negative.  She is the one who told me to put on the garments of praise and it sunk into me not with condemnation but with conviction.  I pass on this truth to you today to set you free. 

Let us allow ourselves to be defined by Christ. Let us say no to the negative view of ourselves and others. Let us lift up our eyes to the master of our lives, the author of our faith and the protector of our soul.  To be defined by him we have to know him. So let us start to seek out the truth in His word. Let us be sanctified by it. Let us be free in Him.

So say with me, I am the definition of Christ.  He is in Me, for me AND nothing therefore can be against me.

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